Ohio Facts

… Ohio is the land farthest west of the East, and the land farthest north of the South…

… The Ohio Country is rich, fine, and level land. It is well-timbered with sugar trees, ash, large walnut, … it is pretty well watered … and it’s filled with beautiful natural … meadows, and abounding with deer, turkeys, elk and practically all sorts of game, in particular buffaloes. In short, the Ohio Country needs nothing but good cultivation so it will become a very delightful country…

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If there wouldn’t have been a historic agreement, the city of Cleveland would have been laying in Connecticut. And there’s more to history, as the state of Ohio did not officially get into the Union until 1953.

Professional baseball was established in Ohio, the now nationally famous hot dog was also invented in this state, and also floating soap (Ivory)  was originated here. But more seriously, Ohio has for a long time been among America’s leaders when it comes to cultural activities and industrial development. The state was also the birthplace of no less than seven U.S. presidents and has produced numerous other figures that made it to world fame and acclaim.

Ohio boasts over fifty accredited universities and colleges and in 1833, Oberlin College was established, the nation’s first higher education institution that allowed both men and women to enroll, and Cleveland was the first city in 1995 where the Rock and Roll Hall Fame was celebrated.

Quick Facts about Ohio

– The Cincinnati Red Stockings were the first U.S. professional baseball team.
– Leading the nation in clay products manufacturing.
– Pioneer leader in America on rubber products.
– Machine tools world leader.

Ohio brief history

1669-1670. French missionary Robert Cavalier, Sieur de La Salle, was probably the first European explorer in the region that we know as Ohio. This pioneer was claiming the entire vast area west of the Alleghenies for his French country.

In the mid-1700s, George Croghan, operating throughout the area, was very successful in claiming the region for  Britain. In 1749, trying to re-assert the French land claims to the area, the Sieur de Bienville was planting a total number of six lead plates at the Ohio River banks.

In 1750, a representative of the Ohio Company, George Gist, spent Christmas with his dog at George Croghan’s trading post. Gist, together with his faithful dog, was exploring a great deal of what we now know as Ohio. He is also known to have won the region’s Indians for the British cause.

1763. All French claims to the area were given up, and the British claims were being confirmed. Under chiefs such as Cornstalk and Pontiac, there were Indian uprisings that drew a lot of British attention at the periods prior to the Revolution.

The Ohio region did not suffer so much during the great battles of the Revolution. Practically all of the British cause was done by severe Indian raids. At the end of the war, in line with the 1783 Treaty of Paris, the new nation successfully and formally claimed tall western lands.

Virginia and Ohio also claimed Ohio lands but these disputes got settled by agreements that Ohio would include the Virginia Military Survey and the Western Reserve.

The 1787 Northwest Ordinance organized government issues throughout the region. 1788 was the year that tens of thousands of settlers were floating down the Ohio River to establish Marietta.