Many GED degree recipients, and not only women, want to get into the professional field of nursing. So let’s see what diploma programs are available (not a full overview!)
The most traditional and oldest forms of nursing training in the nation are Nursing Diploma Programs. The duration of these programs is two to three years and the education they provide is mostly in a hospital setting.
These nursing programs do not provide graduates with a college degree but with a diploma. Nowadays most of these diploma nursing programs are offered in association with universities and colleges, and college credit is granted for specific courses.
In order to offer basic science and humanities studies, most hospital nursing schools work with nearby colleges. Credits are given to graduates so they can go and apply for an associate or baccalaureate of science degree.
Sometimes it is possible for students to get dual credentials, an associate degree, and a hospital diploma. To become a Registered Nurse (RN), these groups of students, graduates of associate degree and baccalaureate programs, and diploma graduates, all must take the same state licensing examination.
Nowadays these Diploma Nursing Programs make sure students have a decent knowledge of biology and those aspects of the nursing practice that have to do with social science.
There is a strong emphasis on medical experience as far as direct patient care is concerned. As compared to other entry-level programs, these Diploma Nursing Programs, in general, offer more hours of clinical instruction.
This hands-on experience and the extra clinical hours are the most important differences between the associate degree nursing programs. Graduates have developed their clinical skills. They mostly will find their jobs in community health centers, long-term care, and acute care.
In the United States, most of these remaining diploma nursing schools can be found in the East and the Midwest. In Pennsylvania and New Jersey, many of these programs are still active. So you see, there are so many benefits to a career in healthcare. And it’s only getting better!
In North Carolina, there are still two diploma programs: the state’s oldest nursing school, Watts School of Nursing, and Mercy School of Nursing. Of all the outstanding and excellent nurse programs, some of the very best were diploma program graduates.
The last decades showed a drastic decline in the number of institutions with diploma nursing programs. Now the reduced number of these schools has just 10% of the entrance programs in RN education, and they only produce 6% of the graduates in RN education.
Nursing education shifted from hospital-based instruction (apprentice-sort of education) to college and university-level education.
ADN (Associate Degree in Nursing)
The Associate Degree in Nursing program (ADN program) is a general nursing training, created to equip students with the knowledge and skills they are going to need if they wish to become accountable and reliable nurses in a wide range of environments.
During this nursing program, students will receive theoretical training, simulation in patient care, practice lab skills, develop clinical experiences at hospitals, and a lot more. It is required that students complete both this general education and the nursing core course. They need to complete both for this ADN program.
Graduates of the ADN program are required to pass a national licensing exam, the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) to obtain their nursing licenses. Students who want to enroll in a College America’s nursing program must meet specific demands.
Prerequisites for (ADN)
Yоu muѕt hаvе а high school diploma оr GED, possibly а high-grade point average аnd pass health screening requirements. If you don’t have a GED or high school diploma because math is a big hurdle, check out this post about Onsego’s Math Calculator course that will help you pass math even if you don’t get it at all!
BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)
The BSN program gives Registered Nurses (RNs) a chance to continue their education and expand their careers. The program also helps students without any experience in obtaining a state nursing license.
In many positions, RNs are required to have a BSN, especially in those positions that demand supervisory skills. Students who have no nursing experience at all need at least four years to complete the program.
Registered Nurses will be credited for earlier training and experience. They will need considerably less time to finish their degree programs. They may even continue their medical education and aim for a well-paying top job as a specialist nurse. Check out this page for more information.
The first two years of the program are used for general education purposes, and classes include education in the liberal arts and sciences. After this period of general education, students will enroll in courses in nursing practice and clinical work during the following two years.
By working during a set number of hours in a medical facility, such as a hospital, a clinic, or an elderly home, the students will get the needed practical training, the so-called clinical component.
BSN graduates can be employed in many professional environments. These settings could be traditional healthcare institutions such as hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes.
The graduates may as well find employment in businesses like pharmacies, pharmaceutical or insurance companies, publishers of healthcare books, or law firms.
They also might find themselves working in medical schools, psychiatric clinics, and home-care companies. In case a student wishes to continue training, the BSN degree is an appropriate stepping stone and prepares for education at the graduate level.
Students will develop a wide knowledge of nursing research and theory by completing the BSN program. This could function as a solid foundation for extended training and study.
Students who don’t possess an RN license may, after completing the program, take the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX-RN) to become licensed.
Prerequisites for (BSN)
The minimum requirements to enroll in a BSN program are that students must have completed high school with a background in math and science, and have a satisfactory Grade Point Average.
Acceptable ACT or SAT scores are demanded for some BSN programs but GED college-ready scores count as well at most colleges. Your GED is also your ticket to a college education. RNs are required to possess current licenses and a valid diploma or equivalent.
Accelerated Second Degree Bachelor in Nursing
There are Accelerated second degree BSN programs for students with a non-nursing Bachelor’s degree, who want to be trained for nursing.
These Accelerated second degree BSN programs are full-time commitments. Basically, you try to compress four years of nursing school into 12 (minimum) to 18 (maximum) months. These programs cannot be done in your spare time.
The idea is that you get credited for non-nursing classes that were already taken by you in college (frequently known as credits for “general education” or “lower division”.
\In this 12 to 18 months period, it takes you through nursing theory and clinical classes. You will be prepared to sit for the NCLEX-RN (national licensing exam for Registered Nurses).
You will not find so many online Accelerated second degree BSN programs. Look for schools not far from where you live, as you will be expected to spend substantial time on campus.