Your GED diploma could be your ticket to a college education. After a few years, when you’ve earned your Bachelor’s Degree, you may wonder what classes to take for your Master’s. First, let’s see how your GED® qualifies you for a college education. Read also my review of Covcel and Kaplan GED Prep.
Once you’ve been in college for a few years, you may think about taking some extra classes. Here are some considerations for when that time will come:
1. What class(es) should I take for my major?
First things first. Even though many college students switch their major several times before deciding, you should start by exploring your current top choice. Take the appropriate intro class or classes, just to start you on the right track.
2. What about general education classes?
Take a good look at your school’s general education requirements. Do any have deadlines? Are there any classes you should take right away? Although you have four years to finish your general education classes, it’s best to get the annoying ones out of the way while you can.
3. Are there any other majors I’m considering?
If you’re trying to decide between a couple of majors, you might want to take an intro class to that field as well. The sooner you can decide what you’d like to major in, the better.
Keep in mind that a career in a fast-growing sector like the healthcare industry will give you all the guarantees you need for a rewarding and well-paying future. There are so many benefits to a career in healthcare!
4. Are there any fun classes I can take?
I definitely don’t recommend taking an elective class unless it falls into your major or fulfills a general education requirement. Save those for when your workload is harder when you take upper-division classes.
However, if you can find a class that’s interesting and fulfills some sort of a requirement, go for it. Alternatively, if the class would be in addition to a full workload, go for it, but be prepared to drop it first if necessary.
When you’ve reaches college-ready scores on your GED test, you will probably be exempt from having to submit SAT or ACT scores with your college application! More and more schools accept GED college-ready and college-ready PLUS college credit scores.
And if all goes well, perhaps a fine career in the world of nursing could become a fulfilling career for you. Check out this article if you want to learn more about some well-paying nursing specializations.
It will take quite some effort on your behalf and it will take a few years, but if nursing is something for you, why settle for anything less than a top job in that professional environment?